Saturday, August 16, 2008

August 2008 Officially Sucks

So, I have to rant a little bit. If you read my previous post, you'll know that I've had a hard week (I had to put my cat to sleep). On top of that, I've had a hard month. Last week I was sick and in pain. I couldn't even stand up straight. I had to have an abdominal ultrasound and loratab. My new prescription glasses broke, and my cell phone started to not work or charge well. Then I had to put my cat to sleep this week. Then, not 24 hours later, my car died on me while I was out running errands. We had to buy a new battery, and we have to pay over $350 to have the transmission mounts fixed. I went in to work on Friday to hear that they had a difficult morning while I wasn't there: two dogs were attacked by another dog and they had serious head trauma (cracked skulls and such). They ended up euthanizing both dogs. I'm glad I wasn't there, cause I've been an emotional wreck as it is without seeing that. All my coworkers cried when they talked about it. I got to work that afternoon, went to open my Vanilla Coke (which had been sitting still for 10 minutes), and it exploded all over me and the floor of the front office where I work. Great. Then we had an emergency come in where the dog was bleeding rectally. It was in really bad shape, so we rushed it in to X-Ray to see what was going on. While it was on the table, he went into respiratory and cardiac arrest. We did CPR and revived him, and then took the X-Rays. Poor dog had GDV (Gastric Dilatation & Volvulus Syndrome), which is where the stomach bloats and twists, blocking the intestines and causing other internal damage. It's nasty stuff. The owners told us to go in to surgery (the only real option left for the poor dog other than euthanasia), so we did. While in surgery he crashed again, and the people in surgery did CPR and got him back again. Just toward the end of the surgery he crashed again and they couldn't revive him - he died on the table. That was not a pleasant phone call for the dr. to make. That poor family was devastated. Oh, and their car died in our parking lot. They're having a month just as great as mine. Work was going better today, but then we had two dogs that had gotten into a fight come in about ten minutes after we closed. We helped them, of course, but that meant we were there really late. It's a good thing I wore my red scrubs today, because I got bloody from those two dogs (and I felt really bad for one of them, he was so cute but his whole head was chewed up!). They went home tonight and at least they are doing okay considering what they've been through. Oh, and with all this craziness at work, one of our employees abruptly quit this week, so we were short handed. Great huh? And, to top it all off, they decided to postpone the new Harry Potter movie until next July!!! What the heck is that about?! I'm ready to barricade myself in my bedroom until August is over. Sheesh!

Okay, that rant felt good. I feel slightly better now...


The Young Family said...

Hey, what was wrong with your cramps? Did they put you on anything? Also, did you ever find a new car?

Marla said...

I really hope that September has been a better month for you and I hope OCtober is EVEN BETTER!!! Keep your head up!